
Boda-bodas urged to keep pro ahead of elections

Members of the Kitgum Boda-boda Association having a discussion. Photo by Martha John Savio

By Martha John Savio

By Martha John Savio

By Martha John Savio

Kitgum – UGANDA: Mr. Richard Oryem, the electoral coordinator issued out a notice to the Kitgum Boda-boda Association also known as Okada in regards to their upcoming association’s elections.

Yesterday, in the occasion which occurred at Kitgum District Mayor’s garden, Mr. Oryem said that the election will be carried out on 21st May, 2022 which will be next Saturday.

He announced that there are two vacant positions in the association currently, and he added that according to the association’s constitution Article 6 (Sub section) (1) clause (2) which states,

He further quoted that Sub Section (2) clause (5) permits the 13 body executives to sit and forward to the electoral commission in case the executives are not comfortable with their leaders”.

Furthermore, Mr Oryem said, “the vacant positions are those of the Chairperson and Treasurer since the former Chairperson, Mr. Obalim Charles Ali was promoted for mentorship and since the former treasurer was depicted from office due to finance mismanagement it’s time to fill the position gaps”.

Consequently, Oryem notified that he has been issuing nomination forms for the past one month and its high time to submit the forms.

He also noted that the eligible candidate should possess a personal motorcycle, carrying a Ugandan national identity card or the association identity card, should know the route directions travelling within jurisdictions and he should be married or holds responsibility.

“The marriage or responsibility holding is a key requirement according to the constitution election guide lines Article 6, Sub Section (2) clause (2) since the entrepreneurship is a heartfelt work that needs patience of honesty, kindness both with the customers and road uses.” Oryem emphasized.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ocaya James, the association publicity said that only the Boda-boda members who fully possess the Uganda national identity card and Boda-boda membership identity card will be eligible to vote. 

“More so, the grand total of the money to facilitate the occasion will be Shs. 1,325,000 which is one million three hundred twenty-five thousand Uganda shillings since guests and well-wishers are expected to turn up in bigger numbers for the event”.

In addition, Mr. Komakeck Eric, a member of the association appealed to the guests to arrive early to manage the elections on time too. And also urgued the motorcycle users to coordinate with the motorcyclists since they have been affected by the hiking prices of fuel causing the transport fare to double for the passengers. Conclusively, Ofonya Morris a concerned citizen also appealed to the Boda-bodas to be responsible and control themselves from bad social behaviour such as alcoholism, poor road usage and dishonesty with customers that often portrays a bad image of the Boda-bodas in public.

Consequently, Oryem notified that he has been issuing nomination forms for the past one month and its high time to submit the forms.

He also noted that the eligible candidate should possess a personal motorcycle, carrying a Ugandan national identity card or the association identity card, should know the route directions travelling within jurisdictions and he should be married or holds responsibility.

“The marriage or responsibility holding is a key requirement according to the constitution election guide lines Article 6, Sub Section (2) clause (2) since the entrepreneurship is a heartfelt work that needs patience of honesty, kindness both with the customers and road uses.” Oryem emphasized.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ocaya James, the association publicity said that only the Boda-boda members who fully possess the Uganda national identity card and Boda-boda membership identity card will be eligible to vote. 

“More so, the grand total of the money to facilitate the occasion will be Shs. 1,325,000 which is one million three hundred twenty-five thousand Uganda shillings since guests and well-wishers are expected to turn up in bigger numbers for the event”.

In addition, Mr. Komakeck Eric, a member of the association appealed to the guests to arrive early to manage the elections on time too. And also urgued the motorcycle users to coordinate with the motorcyclists since they have been affected by the hiking prices of fuel causing the transport fare to double for the passengers. Conclusively, Ofonya Morris a concerned citizen also appealed to the Boda-bodas to be responsible and control themselves from bad social behaviour such as alcoholism, poor road usage and dishonesty with customers that often portrays a bad image of the Boda-bodas in public.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ocaya James, the association publicity said that only the Boda-boda members who fully possess the Uganda national identity card and Boda-boda membership identity card will be eligible to vote. 

“More so, the grand total of the money to facilitate the occasion will be Shs.1,325,000 which is one million three hundred twenty-five thousand Uganda shillings since guests and well-wishers are expected to turn up in bigger numbers for the event”.

In addition, Mr. Komakeck Eric, a member of the association appealed to the guests to arrive early to manage the elections on time too. And also urgued the motorcycle users to coordinate with the motorcyclists since they have been affected by the hiking prices of fuel causing the transport fare to double for the passengers. Conclusively, Ofonya Morris a concerned citizen also appealed to the Boda-bodas to be responsible and control themselves from bad social behaviour such as alcoholism, poor road usage and dishonesty with customers that often portrays a bad image of the Boda-bodas in public.

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