
High exchange rate affecting traders in Yei

A trader in his shop in Yei. Photo/James Innocent

By James Innocent

A trader selling commodities in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State said the high exchange rates of US dollar has affected prices of commodities in the market.

A trader known as Yaba Kawu Kawu said that the whole nation is in an economic crisis, stating that it is reason there are few customers that they are receiving in a day making business risky.

“The traders also face a lot of risks in transportation of goods to their destinations which has really affected most of our business making prices of goods not stable always increasing every day,” he pointed out.  

“Women are the most people buying commodities like cloths and other goods compared to the men and I advise them to continue doing their businesses despite challenges they are facing in doing the business,” he added.

Another trader, Ali Kaleb explained that most of the challenge they face are high charges from the off loaders which are not a fixed charge making business a problem that’s why the prices of goods increase every day.

He urged the government to look into the challenges that traders are facing while carrying out their businesses, because the prices of one onion raised from 100 SSP to 150 SSP making it difficult for the consumers.

The traders were giving their views to the media inside the Market of Dar-salaam in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State.

According to the traders, a hundred US Dollars is changed at the rate of forty six thousand South Sudanese Pounds.

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