By Ngor Deng Matem
At least two people have been reported death and three more others injured in a fatal car accident in Warrap State. The private car involved in the road incident was reportedly carrying more than ten passengers on board when the accident occurred.
According to an eyewitness, the accident occurred at Wunliit Adoor village between Lietnhom and Luonyaker areas.
Other sources in the scene said the wounded passengers who were rushed to Lietnhom hospital, were said to have sustained critical injuries.
Traffic police authority in Gogrial East have confirmed the incident and said the driver was arrested and undergoing investigation.
“The driver has been arrested for questions to what caused the incident. The message to the drivers and motorbike riders is to be responsible while on road. Responsible driving or riding saves your life and the lives of the passengers. 40 or 60 kilometres per hour drive is helpful because any accident can be controlled,” a traffic police statement cautioned.
In a separate development, two people have also been killed and three others wounded in Twic County during an attempted cattle raid.
One of the survivors who is a cattle keeper Mr. Peter Cyer said their camp came under attack around at 6:00AM Sunday morning in Warapech Village of Mayen Abun Boma.
“One of the attackers was killed after the attackers killed one person from us. They did not take any cattle because they were repulsed. Some of the attackers have been identified,” Cyer told this reporter.
Police authorities in Twic County confirmed the incident, saying the suspects are being pursued by the security authorities.
Last Friday, the Governor of Warrap State Aleu Ayieny Aleu held a public rally to address the citizens on the best ways forward to prevent criminal activities within the State.