
Parties evoke ten notions for gov’t to implement

By Akol Madut Ngong

South Sudanese Political Parties on Thursday 26th May, 2022 in a consultative meeting evoked ten resolutions to be implemented by government of national unity in collaboration with all parties in the Republic of South Sudan.

At the Forum organized by National Ministry of Peace Building and funded by UN-Women and Dutch Embassy focused on improvement of working relationship among the different political parties in South Sudan.

Speaking during the forum, Undersecretary in the Ministry of Peace Building, Pia Philip Michael said every political party should have a political ideology.

He stated it is upon political parties to work together and agree on issues that must be accepted the South Sudanese, saying when disagreeing they should know that they can agree again.

“You political parties, you become a driver, you become a pilot, all of us are on board, where are you taking us, which destination, shall we arrive safely, shall we reach that our grandfather fought for, we are on your hand as political parties,” he said.

“The people of South Sudan want to see you engaging on national issues, the national agenda; how can you make us to follow you? We agree that, we must agree and disagree, don’t burn all bridges, may be tomorrow you will try to reach again, don’t disagree for good,” he continued.

Meanwhile, the representative of Dutch Embassy in South Sudan, Ms. Roselyn Mikaya Gama said that Dutch Embassy has been comprehensive in assisting humanitarian with long term programme together with systematic engagement to support peace process.

Mrs. Gama said that it is very vital for political parties to dialogue, saying she do believe that parties will work together and women have equal participation with men, women and youths.

She urged political parties to have constant dialogue, saying that is necessary because the inclusive politics is good for gender equity.

“Gender sensitivity within your dialogue, how do you ensure political transformation building truth among yourselves,” she said.

The dialogue also urged R-ARCSS to disseminate, provide and create a conducive environment for all political parties to freely dialogue and exchange ideas and ideologies.

Similarly, the discussions also expedited the implementation of the outstanding issues in the R-ARCSS and prepare ground for the next processes, including free and fair elections at the end of interim period.

Some of the resolutions reached by political parties included;

First, the political parties’ Act should be reviewed to include all the qualified registered political parties in Republic of South Sudan;

Secondly, government should provide funding to all political parties for campaign before election not after election;

 Third, government should extend political parties’ conference to the grassroot level but observes the 35 affirmative action for women and youth participation are considered at different level; fourth, all political parties should have a national agenda to the people of South Sudan;

 Fifth, parties should exchange visit to the neighboring countries to exchange ideas and learn their practices;

Sixth, there should be dissemination of R-ARCSS, and the dissemination of R-ARCSS should be translated into the national languages for the local communities to understand and benefit from its;

Seventh, all political parties should push for the implementation of revitalized peace agreement in the republic of South Sudan;

Eighth, all political parties should advocate for nationwide disarmament programme campaign;

Ninth, all national unions such as youth union and women union etc. should be independence.

And lastly, number ten said political parties should denounce all kind of violence in the Republic South Sudan.

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