
Activist criticizes police over Kajo-Keji incident

By Bida Elly David

A civil Society activist has critically slated police department in Kajo-Keji County for permitting soldiers to encroach into their obligations amid murder of three innocent souls.

Last week, three young men were purportedly killed by SSPDF forces in Kiri Boma of Kajo-Keji County as vengeance to one of their soldiers who was claimed to have been murdered and found lifeless in a tree outlet.      

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper Yesterday, Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director for Community Empowerment for Progress Organisation has predestined and blamed the police in Kajo-Keji for being abortive to execute their duty of collecting the civil bodies from the wilderness giving room for the military soldiers to encroach.

“I would like to condemn the police for having left the three bodies in the bush and went to invite the military to intervene into affairs that was not theirs. They themselves would have taken the responsibility of collecting the bodies and then inform the military around that they found one of their soldiers killed and then investigation would proceed. Some of the police leaving the military body in the bush allowing the military to assassinate three civilians is a clear indication that their leadership has compromised the military and showed negligence in exercising their mandate at the national police Act’’ he said.

Furthermore, Yakani called for the investigation of the police department in Kajo-Keji amid passive role they played towards executing duties in favour of the military personnel profaning what the national police Act stated.

“I condemn the incident and call upon the leadership of the police service in Kajo-Keji to be investigated on what went wrong and why should they allow the military to get their body, murder civilians. I urge the military justice to immediately undertake an action through their Military Court system to investigate this incident and hold the soldiers who were involved in killing of those civilians accountable’’ he echoed.

However, Yakani entreated for immediate trial of the six soldiers who were claimed to have been apprehended and put into detention for being perpetrators of the incident for the murder of the civilians in Kajo-Keji.

“I am aware that as per today, six soldiers who were involved have already been arrested at the Barracks of Kajo-Keji and detained. I am calling that the Military Justice needs to immediately take an action from tomorrow against those soldiers and the trial should not be outside Kajo-Keji but should be done inside Kajo-Keji because we have cases where soldiers are arrested on such crimes which are criminal offences but they were transferred to other locations and they walked away. I appeal that the trial should take place in Kajo-Keji not in other places so that justice could be produced’’ he said.

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