By Bida Elly David
Marking of the long awaited primary eight examination papers have been set to commence this week after a series of delays by the National Ministry of Education and Instructions due to lack of financial subsidy to facilitate its progression.
The stagnating primary examination was steered since February with the hope of being marked and accomplished after all necessary groundings have been done but things remained dangling.
Recently, David Lowela the Director for Secondary and Primary schools in the National Ministry of Education and Instructions in an interview with the media said that marking of the exam papers delayed due to financial constraints, but said there was hope in its commencement.
Speaking to the press last week, Rejab Sideria the Acting Secretary of the National Examination Council stated that funding for marking the primary Examination Papers has been released guaranteeing marking for next week.
“All delays regarding marking of the papers was because there was no money released but since money has been released, marking process will begin next week’’ he said.
Furthermore, Rejab stated that the Primary Examination results would be out in July after the teachers would accomplish all the marking and analysis scheme.
“According to our marking schedule, teachers will report within an interval of a week to start marking the examination papers and within the first week of July, the results will be announced to pave way for senior one entrance. There should be hope from parents and our former P.8 candidates that after the marking, all first years shall be enrolled and classes will be as active as it used to be’’ he added.
Rejab said that at the beginning of this month, declaration for opening schools were made by the National Ministry of General Education and Instructions giving great hope to the results’ waiting learners for senior one entry but to a great surprise, things withheld.
He encouraged them to be patient as the papers are getting ready to be marked followed by immediate announcement of the results upon completion.