
Parliamentary committees to investigate army gruesome atrocities

Lawmakers attending the motions of urgent public importance raised to the floor of parliament in Tuesday Sitting No.10/2022 at the Freedom Hall in Juba (Photo: Philip Buda Ladu)

By Philip Buda Ladu

The National Assembly has resolved to form a parliamentary Committee to go down to Kajo-Keji County to investigate the circumstances under which 3 youth were allegedly killed by SSPDF soldier in the areas after the death of a soldier.

This resolution came as a result an urgent  motion tabled by Kajo-Keji area Member of Parliament, Mary Puru Michael asking the august house to pay due attention to the 26th May shooting incident in Kiri Boma of Kajo-Keji county, Central Equatoria State.

Hon. Mary on behalf of the Kajo-Keji parliamentary Caucus said they were dismayed, disturbed and shocked to hear of the killing   of three innocent youth allegedly by some SSPDF soldiers who they considered to be ant-peace.

According to Hon. Mary Puru the lawmaker representing Kajo-Keji at the National Assembly on SPLM docket said the shooting of the three youth was triggered when a body of a soldier was found at Itorogwe Village of Kiri Boma Kajo-Keji County where the Circumstance of his death was unknown.

Her urgent motion on the killing of the three innocent youth allegedly perpetrated by SSPDF soldiers attracted the attention of the MPs were the house later after members deliberation recommended for formation of a small parliamentary investigative committee to go find the real picture of the incidents before the house could come you will resolutions to address the atrocities.

There were also two more similar security related separate urgent motions of public importance that were presented to the floor of parliament in the Tuesaday Ordinary sitting No.10/2022.

 The other urgent motions presented to the house was a presentation on urgent need for ending Intra and Inter-communal violence and cattle raiding across South Sudan, by Hon. Stephen Bol Ley, an MP representing Mayom County of Unity State at the R-TNLA under SPLM-IO ticket.

Hon. Bol said brought to the assembly’s attention recent incidences in which 24 businessmen were allegedly murdered at Akop Market in Tonj North County, Warrap State.

He said the killing of those 24 businessmen had devastated their communities whose sole breadwinners’ lives were cut short in cold blood murder.

And the third motion was on a presentation of an urgent and important matter on the atrocities of bandits from Pibor Administative Area on Jonglei State and other areas of South Sudan tabled by Hon. Alier Samuel Ateny, representing Bor County, Jonglei State at the R-TNLA.

Hon. Alier said on the 23/01/2022 Baidit of Jonglei State experience an attack where 38 lives were lost as a result of that attack allegedly by criminals from Pibor and thousands of cattle were taken, saying similar occurrences continue to happen across Jonglei State. 

He cited that youth from Pibor Administrative Area have been disturbing peace and harmony throughout the eastern part of the country through cattle raiding, child abduction and killing.

John Aganny Deng, the Chairperson for information at the National Assembly said the motions were well deliberated and all demands for the formation of committee to investiaget and report back to the house..

“These 3 motions have been discussed concurrently and the house has resolved that the committees should be formed by the National Legislative Assembly Rt. Hon. Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba with the consent of the house to go and investigate and find out the reason as to why the people are killing themselves and then report back to the house” he affirmed the house resolution.

The house resolved also that committee after their findings should report back to the house for further deliberation on their reports such that necessary decisions are taken for the welfare of the people living across South Sudan.

“It was very vivid discussion it has taken more than enough time so we have come to the conclusion that in South Sudan if we so decided that we have to leave in peace then our people must be disarmed and the armaments will only be owned by the National army that’s SSPDF and the other organized forces” Aganny noted.

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