
WES: Investigation committee submits findings on suspended Minister

Photo of Suspended State Minister of Housing, Land and Public Utilities Hon. Simon Peter Sarawasi

By Alex Digi

The investigation committee formed to investigate the accusations labeled against the suspended Western Equatoria State Minister of Housing, Land and Public Utilities have summited its preliminary findings to Governor Alfred Futuyo.

Two weeks ago the Western Equatoria State Governor Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba suspended State Minister of Housing, Land and Public Utilities Hon. Simon Peter Sarawasi alleged selling of Ministry Properties, including electrical equipment and a Plot of Land in Yambio Municipality.

Governor Futuyo then on 13th May 2022 issued Gubernatorial Order No. 08/2022 forming a committee that comprised of 7 members headed by Hon. Victor James Ndukpo the State Advisor on Human Right to investigate the Minister

Speaking to Journalists in Yambio on Tuesday the State Minister of Information Isaac Mursal confirmed that the committee has presented the findings of the case of the Minister Sarawasi and it’s now up to the State Government to take next step on the matter.

Mursal read out the findings of the investigative committee to the media investigating the three summoned officers which included; Minister Simon Peter Sarawasi, Director in the Ministry Mr. Simple John Francize and Engineer Isaac Okwera Alphonce, as such the findings highlighted as hereunder,

“First, Hon. Simon Peter Sarawasi, Minister in the Ministry of Housing, Land and Public Utilities received sum 250,000 SSP from Martin Ndundu the dealer in Scraps, this testifies that he Hon. Sarawasi intended to sell the electrical equipment, 2. The eight electrical transformers and generator arrested are currently available at national Security as exhibits to prove selling of equipment, 3. The Committee has found that there is no good working relationship amongst the staffs in the Ministry” he outlined the key findings of the case.

Information Minister said the committee came up with some ways forward in regards to the their findings on the case of the Minister Sarawasi

He said having proved beyond possibility of doubt that, Hon. Simon Peter Sarawasi, sold 8 electrical transformers and generator to Martin Ndundu and the Director General Mr. Simple John Signed the letter of free passage to unknown location, the committee is here recommending their fates to Hon. Governor for final decision,

The Information Minister added that regarding the illegal selling of plots the committee to recommends formation of technical committee to further investigate the sale of plots, and those who bought the plots from the Minister are asked not to develop them until the technical committee comes out with findings and recommendations.

The other recommendations include was that Hon. Simon Peter Sarawasi has to refund the sum of 250,000 SSP to Martin Ndunu the dealer of scraps, being money paid for scraps, and All the properties of the Ministry sold must be returned to the Ministry, and those not taken must remain.

The committee sold resolved that any government properties that need to be auctioned or sold must be presented to the State Council of Ministers for deliberation and approval”

Governor Futuyo is the head of the State government who commissioned the investigation against the Minister Sarawasi is set to declare the next course of action on the alleged corruption scandal.

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