
Community leaders demand removal of SSPDF area commanders

Chairperson of Kajo-Keji Community Organization, Aggrey Tisa Sabuni and former minister of Finance and Economic Planning (Courtesy photo)

By William Madouk Garang

The Kajo-Keji Community Organization is demanding for the removal of South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) area commander along with his deputy, the head of military intelligence and director of National Security Service (NSS) from Kajo-Keji County.

This plea came following the killing of three young men who were allegedly shot dead by SSPDF soldiers in Kiri Boma of Kajo-Keji County in Central Equatoria State.

The incident occurred when the angry SSPDF soldiers started shooting when they discovered the body of their colleagues lying lifeless.

In a statement seen by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper signed by the Chairperson of Kajo-Keji Community Organization, Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, the community condemned the killing and called for immediate trial of the culprits and removal of area commanders.

“… community elders resolved as follows: Demand the arrest of those behind the brutal murder of the victims and their subsequent speedy trial in a competent court of law. Demand the immediate transfer away of Col. John Kamilo, the garrison commander, his deputy and the head of military intelligence and director of National Security Service in Kajo-Keji,” the statement read.

Kajo-Keji Community Organization comprised; elders, women, youths and constituency representatives in both the state and national assemblies.

They denounced and moaned the vicious killing of civilians by soldiers.

“As a result of killing and looting of properties, Kiri Boma and surrounding areas are now deserted and has send wave a fear to all other parts of County. All these brutal and heinous happenings have left the Kajo-Keji people in great pain, anguish and anger,” the statement said.

The statement said killing of civilian is against the mandate of national army which is to defend territorial integrity, protect civilian population and their belongings including the land.

Mr. Sabuni also called for investigation on the matter and immediate return of robbed belongings to the rightful owners.

On May 26, three young men were allegedly shot dead by SSPDF soldiers in Kiri village. The wanton murder occurred after SSPDF soldiers discovered the corpse of their colleagues in one of Kajo-Keji area under vague circumstance.

In what appeared to be a payback. The unhappy soldiers went on rampage and shot three teenagers leaving them dead in the spot, which ignited pain and anger among local population.

On May 29, five soldiers from SSPDF who were accused of the killing of the three civilian were arrested and are currently under investigations, this is according to SSPDF commander in area, Col. John Kamilo.

On Tuesday this week, the National Assembly had resolved to form a parliamentary committee to be dispatched to Kajo-Keji County and carry-out full investigation of what instigated the killing.

This resolution came after area member of parliament, Mary Puru Micheal tabled a Motion on urgent and important matter before August House to pay due attention on 26May shooting incident in Kajo-Keji.

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