
Fears hold back schools in Mundri East

John Sylivestor Timba

Schools in Minga Payam of Mundri East are said to remained closed due to insecurity and absence of government to facilitate the reopening of the school in some bomas.

The County Education Director for Mundri East, Kenneth Anyaya told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper in a telephone call on Thursday.

The official said that many schools in the area are not operating due to the presence of holdout groups allied to NAS.

He stated that government is unable to access the area.

“This area is controlled by NAS, up to now NAS forces are there and I didn’t know about the school operation in areas like Muru-Ari, Iyeba and others. I need move there as Education Director, but no way for me to go reach,” he said.

However, Mr. Anyanya stated that the county authorities are working hard to address the situation, especially the reopening of learning institutions in the area.

He said there is plan to visit Minga Payam and the Bomas to find fact challenges on ground. 

The Education has urged the holdout group to come back home and work together for peace and unity to promote development and deliver services to the citizens.

He also appealed to the government to look into some of the challenges facing Minga Payam of Mundri East County and encourage the communities of the area to continue support the few schools in the area.

In his finally remark, Education Director noted that Minga Payam has high population in the area.

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