
Parties told to complete pending peace tasks

The African Union Ad Hoc High-level committee for South Sudan (C5) and government officials briefing media after meeting (Photo: Presidential page)

By William Madouk Garang

The African Union Ad Hoc High-level committee for South Sudan (C5) on Friday called on the parties to the agreement to double their efforts and complete the pending peace tasks before the end of transition period.

Among the key lingering issues are; chapter two of the security arrangement, the permanent constitution, and security law, financial management reforms, return of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPS) within the remaining transitional period.

The High-level AU delegation or C5 is in the country for four-day field mission in regards to the status of the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

The delegation held meetings with both President Salva Kiir and his Deputy the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar on Thursday to discuss the execution of the peace deal.

The Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the African Union, Xolisa Makaya acknowledged that some progress has been made, but however, urged the parties to complete the remaining tasks. 

“We just heard a briefing by his Excellency the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar; he briefed us on the implementation of the revitalized agreement. As African Union C5, we are happy to hear that progress has been registered on the implementation of the revitalized agreement,” Ambassador Makaya was briefing the media after their meeting with First Vice President on Thursday.

 “Of course, there are outstanding matters that need to be attended to before the expiry of the transitional government,” he urged. 

The group cherished the supervisory role being played by the regional body the Intra-governmental Authority on Development – IGAD and uttered their firm assurances to continue backing up the country to fully implement the pact and conduct a peaceful transition.

“In this regard as AU, we continue to encourage the government and the people of South Sudan to fully implement the revitalized agreement. It’s an agreement that brings hope to the people of South Sudan and AU is here then to show solidarity and support to peace process in South Sudan,” Makaya assured.

“We also want to take this opportunity to thank IGAD for their continued support to the peace process in South Sudan,” he added.  

The AU C5 countries – comprises; South Africa, Nigeria, Chad, and Rwanda tasked to work together with IGAD to ensure adherence to and full implementation of 2018 revitalized peace agreement.

The body was formed after the regional and international partners, and peace monitors voiced concern over the slow pace of peace execution and its prospect of derailing the general devastating security and stability in the country.

During the AU peace and Security meeting – headed by Kenya and deputized by Egyptian government, they attentive issues were on the implementation of security arrangement, were general elections and inter-communal violence which according to the group has been fuelled by a lack of graduation of the Unified Forces.

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