
One dead, UPDF and SSPDF clash

By Taban Henry

The authority in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria has reported the alleged killing of one SSPDF following the clash between South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) and Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) at the border over the weekend.

The Commissioner of Magwi County, David Otto Ramson told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday, that the incident happened on Saturday evening.

He said that two other national army, were injured with severe wounds. The County Commissioner confirmed that the clash happened when suspected Ugandan army entered into Owinykibul area of Magwi.

 “On the 4th in the evening time at around 6 PM where the Ugandan army commonly known as UPDF crossed to South Sudan an attacked the SSPDF within my territory at Owinykibul at a border checkpoint called Chuki (Waligo) in side South Sudan just like Ngomoromo. They are now encroaching inside the territory of South Sudan,” the Commissioner said.

However, he said the situation has come back to normal though locals are still living in fear.

He said SSPDF did not retaliate to what the Ugandan government has done. He specified that it has not been the first time for UPDF to attack SSPDF, saying almost every year they attack SSPDF soldiers inside South Sudan’s territory.

“The issues of the border are national issue since the county and the state is giving the information to the national government to take charge of the issues of the national border between the neighbouring countries,” he said.

Mr. Otto said that the issue between South Sudan and Uganda is rising higher and it creates different perception.

He called the national government to intervene so that border issue between Magwi and Lawmore District of Uganda is solved, adding that they know exactly where South Sudan borders between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson of SSPDF, Maj. Gen. Lul Ruai when contacted about the incident, said he was waiting permission from his boss.

No.1 Citizen could not reach out to the Ugandan government for comment.

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