
World Bank to launch project worth $120 millions

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

The World Bank is expected to launch a new project worth one hundred and twenty ($120) million United States dollars in South Sudan.

The project is called enhancing community resilience which will concentrate on various issues within the country.

However, the Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management will be the one to take the lead in the project operation within the country.

The Project aim at enhancing community resilience by providing locals with enough training, and other capacity strengthening.

Speaking to the Media yesterday, the world Bank Representative Makiko Watanabe, a senior Urban Specialist in Africa Urban and Disaster Risk Management Unit said that the project will be launch soon.

“We are launching this new project called enhancing community resilience and local government, its 120-million-dollars project, the focus is mainly on enhancing community resilience, by providing for the local institutions, particularly mobilizers them,” she mentions.

She said the project will reach to Payam and the Boma levels to strengthen communities at the grassroot.

“This will also reach to the rural areas, like Boma areas to development the communities there and payam communities to provide them with a lot of training, local services and some finances, nation institution, strengthening their capacity, investing in flood solution as well as get solution to any other nature based, “she said.

However, The Minister of Humanitarian and disaster Management, Peter Mayen Majongdit confirmed that the new project will be launch as soon as possible to Empower Communities within the Country.

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