By Akol Madut Ngong
The reconstituted revitalized national legislative assembly in its ordinary sitting No: 12/2022 has passed the Wildlife Services Act 2011 (amendment) Bill 2022 to its fourth and final reading on Wednesday.
The bill was presented by Tongun Lodu Rombe, Deputy Chairperson of the Standing Specialized Committee on Wildlife Conservation &Tourism, Legislation and Justice on the National Wildlife Service Bill 2022.
During the reading, Hon. Tongun said in accordance to the Article 84(2) 2011 constitution (as amended), the bill is consistent to provision of section 1:14:7 and section 1:14: 8 of revitalized agreement on the resolution of the conflict of South Sudan.
He stated that the committee observed and made some recommendation, saying the word National added to title to National Wildlife Service (as amended.
However, Mr. Tongun said that chapter one of South Sudan constitution interpreted as: Advisory Council, Section (14)/ Warden in Section (15) and Auxiliary Force in Section (31)/1 and in chapter two section (14) the committee came with recommendation of stakeholders that the ministry of Wildlife Director General will be a Chairperson, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Animals Resources and Fisheries, Ministry of Water Resources and Dams and the Ministry of Road and Bridges will be a members of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism.
“Chapter IV, section 15 in accordance to the recommendation made by the committee, the ranks of Wildlife Service Officers shall be as follows and what was written are not ranks but office title i.e. Director General will first Lt Gen (General), D/Director will be Lt General, Assistant Director will be Maj.Gen, Director will be Brig Gen, Senior Inspector will be Colonel, Inspector will be a Lt Colonel, Officer will be Major, Captain, first Lt and 2nd Lt,” Lodu said.
The law marker stated that the title of the bill is not corresponding with the conventional ranks; “if we use the titles, the other ranks start from captain down will go out and “we are recommending that the conventional ranks will be retained parallel with the office titles.”
Hon. Lodu stressed that in the same Section 15, the word ‘Officer’ is the least rank and in section 15(h) rank of Non-commissioned Officers doesn’t appear in the section.
However, he said that only the word “warden” is clearly interpreted although in section 27, the word “NCOs” appear in the termination of service.
The honorable member reiterated that the committee recommend the existence ranks to be used, the word “warden” to replace “private, Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major, Sergeant, Corporal, Lance Corporal and Warden (Private).