
Jadalla, David Lokonga faces eviction

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

The former governor of defunct Jubek State Gen. Augustino Jadalla Wani and Brig. Gen. David Lokonga of the defunct Yei River State, and 25 other former state government officials are facing eviction following refusal to vacate government buildings. 

Authority of Central Equatoria State early last week gave an order to evict the former officials who are currently occupying government houses.

The State Minister of Cabinet Affairs who is also the chairperson of eviction committee, Wayi Godwill Edward had written an ordered to State prosecution attorney directing him to forcefully dislodge the former officials.

The eviction order came following a defied instruction to vacate the houses voluntarily.

Former Governor of Jubek State, Gen. Augustino Jadalla Wani, Brig. Gen. David Lokonga and Former Minister Semir Khamis are among the twenty-seven officials to face eviction.

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Friday, Wayi said that they have communicated to the officials since April 2021, but the former state post holders have not vacated, adding that the officials were not collaborating.

The minister stated that they are facing challenges to accommodate the current officials because some former officials are still occupying the buildings.

He said the current government officials are not enjoying their rights to staying in government houses.

“This is an eviction of former officials who refuse to vacate the government houses voluntarily, while we have government officials who are currently serving the government and now, they are being denied their right to government housing,” the minister said.

“So, we tried to engage with them, they were not cooperating so there is no way we can leave them like that, so we are being compelled to remove them forcefully,” Mr. Wayi continued.

In the headed letter RSS/CES/J/SMCA/OM/38, the minister said he has issued the letter in March 22nd 2022, and he addressed the reference to the head of administration and persecution attorney in the State.

“Ministerial committee on eviction of government houses here directing your offices to administer forceful eviction of the former government officials, who continue to occupy CES government houses,” the order read in part.

However, in a separate order seen by No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, dated 20th May 2022 Augustino Jadalla was directed to vacate government house No.J/6 with due compliment, I am honoured to write to you regarding the above cited subject.

“The honorable Council of Ministers CES has directed that you kindly vacate government house No.J/6 which you have been occupying since you were relieved of your position as governor of Jubek State,” the ministerial order concluded.

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