
100 graduated from Western Bhar-el-Ghazal University

By Ngor Deng Matem

At least one hundred and five students in the College of Economics and Social Studies have completed their academic excellences at the University of Bahr El Ghazal in Wau town, on 10th June 2022.

The students who graduated from the college of economics and social studies included thirty-four female students.

The graduation ceremony was attended by hundreds of citizens in Wau town and other neighbouring States including the families and relatives of the graduands.

Among the students celebrating their achievements was Mr. James Kang a person with disability who accomplished his academic year from the college of Economics and Social Studies in the department of rural development.

Speaking to media, Mr. Kang said his physical disability did not stop him from pursuing his studies.

“It was really rough and tough walk to the date. So many people stood with me financially, morally and socially. I made it with lots of thanks especially friends and lecturers played a great role in supporting my education. So the physical disability isn’t inability. I encourage everyone to support education of their kids,” he said.

Nelson Makoi Makur, the minister of General education of Lakes State was the guest of honour.

The minister challenged the alumni after completion of their degree programs to create jobs for themselves, and not to expect government to provides employment opportunities.

“Do not only rely on government jobs and do not only aim to get high position, please start with small job that is at hand. Having graduated today means you are skilful and able to create jobs and employ others,” the minister said.

Meanwhile, the reprehensive of the graduates, Mr. Samuel Mangar Mading urged government to provide more funds to support education in the country.

Among the students, forty-five of the graduates’ hail from Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, Aweil. As a result, the Aweil Students’ body announced plans to organize another graduation ceremony in Aweil town as way to encourage young people continue with their studies.

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