By Isaac Mangu/Azande Kingdom Press Unit/ Western Equatoria State – Yambio
The King of Azande Kingdom His Majesty Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue has officially launched the registration of all Azande people worldwide for easy planning and service delivery purpose.
The registration exercise launched on 9th June 2022 under the theme “Let us know our population for development” aims at knowing the exact population of the Azande Kingdom; those currently living within the Kingdom locality, those in South Sudan as a whole as well as those in other African Countries and the diaspora.
This according to the King will help in proper planning for service delivery to the Azande people as well as lobbing for support for the smooth running of the Kingdom programs and activities.
King Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue underscored the importance of the registration exercise saying for any organized society to offer better services to its people, it is very paramount to get the exact population of that society so that resources and services can be distributed equitably amongst its members.
He said the registration of the Azande people has been approved by both the National Unity Government of South Sudan and the State Government of Western Equatoria, therefore, people should not fear to be registered.
The King stressed that the Kingdom plans to deliver better services such as Education, Health, infrastructure and other developmental programs, therefore urging his people to embrace the exercise so that the Kingdom can have the actual population figures it is planning for.
King Atoroba directed all the Azande community leaders’ worldwide to start creating awareness among their people for the program to be come to success.
Those traditional and community elders who spoke during the launch commended the Kings wise decision to register Azande people saying they welcome the initiative and that they are ready to work for its success.
Hon. Mbembe Rukokau at the occasion registered his appreciation to the President of the Republic H.E. Salva Kirr Manyardit for approving the restoration of the Azande Kingdom while extending vote of thanks to State Government under Governor Alfred Futuyo for approving the program of the registration.
Mbembe called for Unity, peace, forgiveness, Reconciliation and cooperation amongst all the people of the Kingdom saying these five are the pillars to building a strong Kingdom that will deliver equitable services to its people.
He argued that for the Kingdom to be strong, its people have to obey and abide by all the laws of the Kingdom, send their children to school and cultivate enough food for both domestic consumption and for commercial purposes as well.
Meanwhile Mama Charity Dudu, deputy chairperson of the Nyangbara community for her part, commended the King for the initiative saying, census is a very important exercise that always help in planning to provide better services to the people.
She said women are very ready to work on the sidelines of their male counterpart in ensuring that the kingdom achieve its intended vision and objectives.
“I want to appeal to all of us the other tribes living here in the Kingdom, let us dance according to the tune of the music being played by the Azande people, we have stayed here for long and we are not going back. If we unite ourselves this kingdom will be a better place for us to live in” Dudu asserted
Relatedly Sebit Angelo Obebe, leader of all the other distinct communities in Western Equatoria State living in the Azande Kingdom expressed their readiness to work collaboratively for the success of all the kingdom’s programs.
“We the other tribes living in the Kingdom are very ready to support the progress of the kingdom activities. We are the founders of this kingdom and this is a very big task for us to lay a strong foundation of the Kingdom. It is not only for the Azande people but for all of us the other tribes living in the Kingdom. Whatever work the king will assign to us we are ready to do it because if this kingdom fails to progress, it will not be the down fall of the Azande people alone but all of us” Obebe emphasized
Government officials, Chiefs, sub chiefs, the Business community, and representatives of other tribes, youth and women leaders and community elders among other important people attended the Launch of the registration exercise on Thursday June 9th 2022 at the King’s palace in Yambio.