By William Madouk Garang
The government of South Africa has appointed former State Security Agency (SSA)’s domestic intelligence branch boss, Advocate Mahlodi Sam Muofhe as her new ambassador to South Sudan.
Muofhe was the former head of the SSA’s domestic branch, where he focused on rooting out corruption which resulted in several criminal cases being opened against employees at agency.
Muofhe is anticipated to jet in Juba yesterday (Sunday) to undertake his post in African’s newest country. Muofhe told media, he was excited to open new chapter of his life affirming to consolidate relations in the continent.
“I am humble that I was requested to go and represent my country as an ambassador in South Sudan. I carry the mandate of our country in term of the law and in term of ensuring that as a continent our international relations work well,” Muofhe was quoted by South African local media.
Ambassador Muofhe said he was briefed about the situation in South Sudan adding that they would strive to look at where the two counties could work together on matter of mutual interest.
“My knowledge of the country, South Sudan is that – it’s stable country, people are working well together there and the relationship between South African and South Sudan is great and we hope that through our experience and their experiences we will be able to take democracy forward in that country,” he added.
During his tenure as a boss of SSA- domestic branch, advocate Muofhe had testified before the Zondo Commission about many corruption cases and wrongdoings committed by government official.
Before joining the SSA, Muofhe also acted as special advisor for former minister of mineral resources and later of public service and administration, Advocate Ngoako Ramathlodi.
He was also the chief governance officer at the Special Investigation Unit. Muofhe’s career has led him to working for all three levels of government; local, provincial and national.
Muofhe also addressed issues of anti-immigration campaigns in South Africa which could affect international relations.
While departing South Africa, he specifically called on civil servants to help turn government around. “Because of the rampant corruption which engulfed our country for the longest period, we find it very difficult to find our footing as a country.”
“I urge my former civil servants to be the ones that really do right. If we get things going, we need a total mind shift of public servants,
“If public servants can say it’s now or never for them ensure that quality services are delivered to our people or country will be the uptake again,” he added.