B y Adia Jildo
The Chief Executive Officer of Ecoclean Waste Management Company Alice Kulia Sabuni said the absence of environmental bill has made it hard to manage waste as compliance by stake holders and communities is almost unavoidable.
“Compliance is the biggest issue now. People littering the streets and there are no forms of laws against that because our environment bills are not available and there is nothing we can do,” she asserted.
Alice said there is need to create local orders and enlighten the community on waste management in order to properly manage waste and keep the city clean and green
“We cannot just be collecting trash in the streets because every morning there is heaps on the road. You pick, somebody would have brought another on the road already,” Alice exclaimed.
She cited the inabilities to deliver service to the people are some factors that have forced other people to find alternatives to dump rubbish away from their homes.
“We need to get to the point where we can provide services and stop people from burning trash as well as segregating it,” she explained.
The Ecoclean Waste Management Company CEO hinted that waste management can only be managed when the mindset is changed through awareness, and taken as the responsibility of everybody but not only a government responsibility as people’s perception might think.
“It’s time we stop ignoring environmental issues if it’s a waste management or pollution. If we don’t put at the fore front then, what are we leaving for the next generation? Climate change is a big issue all over the world but our issue is more because of the issue of waste management,” he explained.
Al Kerim John a garbage collector at Luri expressed his sentiment on poor waste management and dumping as a threat to them the workers as segregation of waste is not followed.
“Even if you are a dog, you do not deserve to do this kind of a job but I am really trying hard at least to have a positive contribution to my country. If we do not clean it as others and decide to go and do other work, who then will come and clean it,” he lamented.
Al Kerim John said there is a lot of infections as food waste and medical waste are dumped in one place without segregations.
“You will get a dead dog, a child in a box and thrown there, even chemicals. This work is not a simple one we just do it,” John noted.
He said the issue of hygiene in Juba is a threat to health and environment as waste is not managed in a proper way disturbing the scene of the area.
Isaac Amoi another garbage collector also said the waste management is almost failing as attempt by them to completely clear rubbish has completely been a daily fight.
“Even waste from medical facilities like clinics bring their garbage to the street here and when we are doing our cleaning, we are at risk because there syringes that do not even have lead,” he said.
Isaac called on the community to work together with them in order to keep the city clean as their effort without the support of the community will not be possible.
“Let those who work at the clinic of even market dispose their rubbish is a right way for all of us to be safe. This rubbish should all be having a different place to be put in,” he appealed.
“Every day is a different story. Its scent alone can disturb you. These people just dump rubbish on the bare floor on the middle of the road at night and very early in the morning,” he stated.
He said clearing of garbage is a hectic work as the cleaning takes all week and day doing the same thing and no result is seen.
Peter Ladu Modi the Director of Environment and Sanitation in Juba County said garbage management is congested with shops which have made it hard to control waste.
“Our people need more awareness and education on the importance of waste management. Even if we put a focal point, still there are people who will not follow these instructions,” he said.
He said failure of rubbish collection by relevant authorities whom they pay money to is one of the factors leading to the reckless dumping in Luri.
“Security personnel are there but when they immediately move, you will see heaps of rubbish dumped along the road. This garbage is from the markets and others are from the residential areas,” he said.
Peter said most of the clinics have failed to segregate waste as hospital equipment have been found among the rubbish collected.
“When money for garbage is collected from them, they will just dump anywhere. They keep complaining but the money is even less,” he argued.