By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei
The Vice President for Economic Cluster Dr. James Wani Igga yesterday said that the country is facing a challenge of health cases due to lack of; equipment, drugs, adequate qualifications, human resources which has led to losses of life’s.
The remarks were made during the program organized by Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) on joint Advocacy and penal discussion with the transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA).
Speaking during the program, Igga said that South Sudan might likely not achieve sustainable development and global goal of ending TB and Malaria by the targeted year 2030.
He added that there is high need of exploring other services of funding to ensure that coordination data government, social protection and community support are equally covered.
“Health is one of the basic services, we are committed as government towards our people, I know because we have lost lives because of lack of basic equipment, drugs, adequate qualifications, human resources and etc., South Sudan has remarkable progress, against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria but still below the level needed” he said.
He told MPs to make sure that the government really meets 15 percent of the national budget that would contribute to the health sector.
On the side of the Minister of Heath, Yolanda Awel said that “we need Co- Finances for our country to meet our obligation; I also urge the private sector to invest in the health sectors”.
However, the Chairperson, South Sudan HIV/AIDS Commission, Dr. Esterina Novello said that “South Sudan is still behind in achieving the global target evidence by the number FLIB as estimated to be 170,000 an annual number of new HIV infected is 17,000, death related is 8000, the Country performance are 90-90.
Meanwhile, she added that HIV and malaria remains the main threat, public health and the leading to the causes of death in South Sudan.
“To implement the current national strategic plans it requires total of 222,439,000 USD, the prevention amount out of it is 112,632,000, while for the treatment needs 65,193,000 while the integration and sustainability is 44,622,000” she said.
“This is what our strategy is telling us, how much do we have as HIV Commission, so the question what do we have,” she revealed.