
Over 70 Trucks loaded with sorghum to arrive South Sudan

On date 16th and 17th of June 2022, Governor of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State Honorable Tong Akeen Ngor paid courtesy visits to (Sinja) Sennar State and Umruaba in Northern Kordofan in Sudan to dispatch the first consignment of sorghums to the Republic of South Sudan

By Akol Madut Ngong

The first food grain consignment of at least 70 trucks fully loaded with Sorghum (Dura) from Sudan’s Sennar, Blue Nile and Northern Kordofan States respectively, and destined for South Sudan are expected to arrive the country in a week’s time.

The convey of the 70 trunks that left Sudan for South Sudan was witnessed off by the Governor of Northern Bhar el Ghazal State, Tong Akeen Ngor following his courtesy visit to Sennar and Northern Kordofan States on the 16th and 17th of June respectively.

The Press Secretary in the office of the Governor of Northern Barh el Ghazal Dhel Peter confirmed the departure of the truck’s convey to No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Saturday.

He said the starting of the first convoy comprises of over 70 trucks loaded with sorghum (Dura ) are expected to arrive to South Sudan territories in one week’s time and other consignments will follow.

According to the press secretary, Northern Barh el Ghazal State, Aweil is expecting to receive the first consignment of Sorghum of at least 70 truck coming from Sudan’s Sennar, Blue Nile and Northern kordofan States to South Sudan.

He noted that the food grains is to normalize the livelihood of common citizens of the three badly flood affected States of Northern Barh el Ghazal, Warrap and Unity States.

Those consignment for the flood affected States of Northern Barh el Ghazal, Warrap and Unity States including Western Barh el Ghazal State, Wau.

Peter said the Sorghum are being provided by the Presidency with the aim of subsidizing the market where by the government of South Sudan has decided to come out with the urgent solution.

The governor of Northern Bhar el Ghazal was assigned by the Presidency office headed by the Security Advisor Tut Gatluak Manime to purchase that sorghum at least to reduce market prices in the country particularly in the flood affected States.

“These goods will be sold through the subsidy as one sack of Sorghum is 20,000 SSP then the State government will determine her price such that the common person can be able to buy something in the market with affordable low cost,” Peter stated.

“Those consignment thye will be first arrive to Awiel and the State governor will decide later on how to distribute those truck, the detail are still up to now until those consignment have arrived, they will decide the allocation of each State base on the prices in that State,” he highlighted.

The Press Secretary said Governor Tong Akeen Ngor was warmly received by the State authorities in Sudan on his part of short interval supervision to officially oversee the departure of first consignment of food.

He further said the acting Governors of Sennar and Northern Kordofan State have affirmed that they will fully support the government of South Sudan in all aspects necessary

Addressing the Media, Governor Tong Akeen appreciated Presidency for sending the delegation to Sudan headed by Tut Galuak the Advisor for Security Affairs to coordinate and mobilize the supply of food items to the flood affected areas in South Sudan (particularly states of Bahr El Ghazal and Unity State).

In addition, the Governor expressed his gratitude to government of Sudan under Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, President of Sudan Sovereignty Council for the utmost support and cooperation to the government and people of South Sudan.

Furthermore, Governor Tong Akeen Ngor appreciated the Agricultural Bank for rendering their efforts to complete the processes in smooth manner until the first consignment commenced its journey to the Republic of South Sudan.

Finally, Tong Akeen Ngor Governor of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State also appreciated the efforts rendered by the Clean and Clear limited company for responding positively to take full responsibility to transport food consignments to South Sudan in shortest time possible.

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