
CES Government pledges to establish water reservoirs in Terkeka

Emmanuel Adil Anthony, CES Governor-File Photo

By Bida Elly David

The Central Equatoria State Government has laid a Strategy to establish water reservoir point in Terkeka County aimed at providing water and grass for the livestock as a mechanism to reduce risk and conflict triggered by mobile cattle movement in search of water and pasture.

The Governor of Central Equatoria State, Emmanuel Adil Anthony disclosed the State government plan in Terekeka County during the launch of the Construction of Terkeka-Tali-Tindilo Road on Friday.

The Governor said the major purpose for the establishment of the water reservoir system was aimed at reducing the movement of the livestock in search of water and grass to other place which would reciprocate into inter-communal conflict and violence.

Addressing the occasion the governor Adil described the citizens of Terekeka County as being people blessed with cattle that demand much attention and care as agriculturalists also need to grow their crops without interference.

“We know that there are many factors that sometimes make your cattle move to other places in search of water but I want to assure you that we have instructed the Minister of Water and Animal Resources to come with a policy where water reservoirs should be established in Terekeka County to solve water-related problems’’ Governor Adil noted.

“This water project to be established is to ensure availability of grass and water for the livestock and the people of Terekeka County. This project needs cooperation between the people of Terekeka and the national government to easy facilitation’’ he added.

Governor Adil pointed out that Terekeka County is a place blessed with natural resources that would boost the economy of Central Equatoria State and the Country at large.

“Terkeka County is blessed with fish and cattle that will rescue the Country from starvation. We know that the movement of the livestock from one place to the other will be reduced if the water reservoir project is accomplished’’ Adil underscored.

He appreciated the leadership of the County Commissioner for having restored peace among the people of Terekeka County and urged the community leaders to proclaim peace and promote commercial activities in the County to improve the living standard of the domiciles.

“We know it was difficult to handle the differences that arose among our people but I want to thank Wani Buyu, the community elders and the youth for having brought peace back to the community. Terkeka is now calm. You cannot hear fights among the people anymore and this is a very good move towards improving the County’’ he said.

At the same note, Adil called on the Mundari youth to be committed towards improving the economy of the County as well as exercise commercial activities to generate income for themselves.

“Terkeka has capable youth who can work hard and develop the County. I need them to work harder by doing businesses that will earn them money. We need fish in Juba among many others. If they embark on this, we shall have a productive County’’ Adil emphasized.

“If we live in peace and avoid conflict, investors and Organizations will extend their hands by coming to Terekeka for developmental projects and thus moving the State to the next level. Terekeka is blessed with cattle. We need to use the cattle for the purpose of developing the State and generate income’ ’the Governor stressed.

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