
City Council dislodges road sellers as construction of Hai Malakal road arises

  Michael Lado Allah-Jabu City Mayor and the team-Photo City Council

By Bida Elly David

The Authority of Juba City Council in collaboration with the State Ministry of Roads and Bridges over the weekend dislodged a number of road venders as construction of Hai Malakal Main Street begun.

The exercise was carried as an initiative for shaping and setting up Juba City as a conducive atmosphere towards resounding trading and commercial activities for better development and restoration of its beauty.

 Pavement of Malakal road was derived as one of the set-up plans of the Juba City Council to simplify movement of cars, pedestrians and traders as well as enlarge the road as other roads in most developed Countries.

Speaking to the media during the exercise, Michael Wani Allah-Jabu, the Juba city Mayor said the exercise for the establishment of Hai Malakal road would enhance easy facilitation of business activities in the City.

“The opening of Hai Malakal road came a plan that was drawn sometimes back with the aimed of enlarging roads for easy movement of people, goods and traders within Juba County. We need our citizens to seriously adhere to the exercise although some business people will be affected in the process of the clearance. We need the citizens to cooperate with the authority of Juba City Council and the State government over the exercise’’ said Michael.

He said that the opening of roads in town would help most citizens since the Country lacks enough roads to be accessed and urged those affected to bear the situation with good heart.

“Our mandate is to make our people happy. If we open these roads, that means we are creating happiness to our people in Central Equatoria State and the Country at Large. If you are dislodged because of much extension to the road, take it easy and things shall be well with you’’ he said

In his part, Mawa Moses, Central Equatoria State Minister of roads and bridges urged the citizens in Juba City to support the activities of the City Council by respecting the laws.

“I want to urge the citizens living in Juba to respect Juba City Council’s initiative through the law. It is the law that has mandated them to open roads for the betterment of all citizens as well as the beautification. If we respect the city council, that means we have respected the law’’ he said.

Furthermore, Mawa added appreciated the efforts of Juba City Council towards pavement of roads meant to serve the people and the nation at large as well as reduce traffic jam in the city.

“I am thankful to the city Council for having carried those important exercise of opening the roads in the town. By doing this, they are reducing the serious traffic in the city as well as working harder to enlarge the roads for easy movement of things’’ he said.

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