

Government should take action on all sexual violence perpetrators 

“Laws regarding women remain dormant in the state,” government reported and added that the national legislation provides a comprehensive legal framework to all forms of sexual violence as a crime and protect all individuals who may fall victim of it.

On the bright side, with close focus on laws, legislations – a new language in terms of persecution of conflict related sexual violence and accountability for those who have committed the crime is in work of progress.

“Sexual related violence makes a lot of things and if people come together as a community and discuss the main issue and cause of sexual related conflict, it can be eliminated – by having sexual gender-based violence laws, the country would be able to cover up certain gap of laws which is not within South Sudan legal framework” citizens have identified how the vice can be dealt with and put people at peace.

With sexual violence; rape appearing to be an endless series with some causing gruesome deaths for minors, the country needs to quickly kick this vice out. In 2021, 330 cases of sexual violence including rape were recorded; it will be heartbreaking for it to be higher by this end. 

“I think by incriminating rape, it would be a very important step forward to sub-guard our women and children being a member of the international convention, and so, it is important that these laws are incorporated into its legal framework such that it should be able to safeguard its citizens,” views from some of the men in the community because it is the women and children especially the girl child who are going through these horrible assaults in the country.

International instruments like treaties, conventions, declarations, resolutions and recommendations created to address the problem of sexual violence – on both the men and women: to prevent sexual violence from being committed, punish the perpetrators, provide care for the survivors, to be adopted by the government to protect its citizens including to provide mental health and psycho-social care.

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