
YIMAPS Institute holds its first graduation in Yambio

Photo of YIMAPS students

By Alex Digi

The Yambio Institute of Management and Polytechnic Studies (YIMAPS) on Saturday held the graduation of its first Students batch with Diplomas and Certificates in on different course in Yambio Western Equatoria State.

YIMAPS which graduated 88 students from the School of Education, Business Administration and Social Science was established in 2012 by the Catholic Diocese of Tambura, Yambio and it started enrolling students in 2013.

The graduates, comprised 40 students from the school of Business Administration, 32 from the School of Social Science and 16 from the School of Education

Addressing the students, the Catholic Bishop of Tambura Yambio diocese His Lordship Barani Edwardo Hiiboro Kussala, said the aim of creating the YIMAPS institute was to allow communities to get access to Education as well as to bring peace, development and love in the community. He called on the communities in Western Equatoria to embrace education for transformation.

“We are working hard to ensure our communities have access to education, because education is a key to success, development, peace and prosperity” Bishop Hiiboro said.

Meanwhile the Governor of Western Equatoria State, Alfred Futuyo congratulated the graduates and urged them to focus on the field of their studies than diverting to different things.

Some students who graduated express their happiness to the management of the institution citing that they will not stop the education from there but pursuing Doctorate.

Jepete John Aquila a student who graduated with Diploma in business administration said this is the beginning for him but will still pursuing his education.

“So I am very excited for the graduation of today we were enroll in 2013, we have waited for 6 years so we are just very happy for this graduation” Jepete said “After this graduation it is just an eye opener for me I am currently even pursuing my Bachelor Degree in public Health, so that is not the end I think is just ambition of moving forward” she added.

Modi Edward Makianga another student who graduated with Diploma in the faculty of Peace and Conflict Management called on the women to go back to school despite their age, saying she  did not think it will happen to her.

“I am really very happy today with what happened to me, I did not know it will happen to me, but now am graduating” Modi said adding “I am appealing to all girls or women outside there that let them go back to school because education is the key of the World this is the message I can pass out”.

Another Student Danzanga Zingibeyo expressed his happiness citing that they had gone through many challenges to achieve the goal but the knowledge they got is the quality one.

 “So for this graduation and the challenges we have gone through really we have got a quality education and it has given us the guideline for what we are going to do to develop our state and South Sudan at large” he said.

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