Foregoing independence celebrations for graduation of forces seems solid
For all the green lights for this country’s first general elections to hopefully be held next year that have been killed by a continuous series of destructions which according to the citizens would have been avoided, had dialogues held to create peace between conflicting communities…
How will the people have energy to hold themselves through the much-needed free, fair and credible elections when they are hungry, starving, having an undecided mind on who to lead them in this new chapter of democratic independency.
“Now what is required is national leadership, dedicated resources for completing the transition and a visible commitment by South Sudan’s leaders to fulfill their responsibilities under the peace agreement.” UNMISS advised the leaders and in addition, he called upon all the parties to demonstrate a collective common goal – a unity of purpose by working together to have the full implementation of the peace agreement and urged the country’s leaders to take the necessary measures to end the transitional period through having the free and fair general elections to be held in 2023.
Above all the pending issues to be completed by government is graduation of the unified forces before end of this transitional period and therefore end of the transitional government.
“At present, we have no funds; the little available, we have to make use of them for the graduation of the unified forces that have been in training centres for long” the minister of information said; making it clear that preparing to hold the country’s first general elections is as important to the current transitional government as it is to the people of the country.
In all preparations including proper use of the funds to graduate the unified forces which will then be a key ingredient to having elections next year; the country shall hold accountable the transitional government for what it has said to do.