

Being sovereign is going to need more than words of promise but evident progress

As the country celebrates her 11th year as a sovereign state, she is still fragile given the many loopholes facing the people of the beloved country. As concerned citizens, they give solutions to lasting peace for all living in South Sudan. 

“Let us look into the agreement as an alternative force for sustainable peace. We will not be living in transitions; of course, there will be a last pace for everything”.

The President has promised once again the people that war will not be seen in this country and for as long as the President shall stand, the people will hold him accountable to his promise.

“I have said many times that I don’t want to take the people of South Sudan to war. And I will stick to my words to keep peace in South Sudan,” His Excellency.

“We will celebrate it harmoniously; we will take time to talk again. We are going to celebrate the independence of our country. We must come together to celebrate our independence,” the president continued to promise.

“We have decided to avoid more expenses when we are saving the little money that we have for the graduation of forces and the implementation of the agreement”. The information, communication technology and postal services minister reported earlier last week in regards to the insufficient funds that the government had at that moment to celebrate this year’s national Independence Day.

How then should the citizens who follow these two contradicting pieces of information from the same government interpret this?

On the bright side however, the country is gradually moving to peace and the life that the people are now living is proof that with peace in the nation, development and growth are paramount.

“The transitional security arrangements have achieved major breakthroughs and the graduation and deployment of the necessary unified forces is around the corner. These achievements are gratifying and encouraging. The hustle in the streets of Juba becomes the evidence that the peace is reshaping the social order and people’s lives in the country.” A concerned viewer of the country’s growth commented.   

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