Akol Madut Ngong
The Governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, the Tong Akeen Ngor has called on his residents to maintain peace within the State and with their neighboring communities.
He said the community should maintain peace and security, law and order, and urged the State High Court to continue to render good judicial services to the people.
Governor Tong made the remark while addressing the celebration of 11th Independence Day at Awiel freedom Square.
Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Saturday, 9th July 2022 joined the nation to commemorate the 11th Independence Anniversary of the Republic of South Sudan.
Governor Tong Akeen Ngor who presided over the celebration commended President of the Republic for supporting the process of implementing revitalized peace agreement on resolution of the conflict in South Sudan.
He stated that the Country is more peaceful, saying the Government is working hard to implement developmental projects.
He told the jubilant crowd at Aweil Freedom Square that, the delegation sent by presidency to the Republic of Sudan to purchase food items to subsidize food prices at the flood affected States had managed to purchase food consignments and the trucks loaded with sorghums have already reached in various destinations such as NBGS, Unity State, Warrap State and Western Bahr El Ghazal State.
Governor Tong said the consignments have been distributed to the Counties of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and are being sold at subsidized prices such that a common person can afford.
The Governor assured the public that, the National and State governments are working hard to provide more food items in flood affected States of Barh el Ghazal plus other parts of the country.
He commended the people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State for their huge turnout to celebrate 11th Independence anniversary.
He assured the public that, the implementation of peace agreement is intact and the process of implementation is smoothly ongoing to the interest of citizens.
He encouraged parents to support girl child education, stressing that it’s an obligation to teach the children if they wish to build a better future for the Country.
The governor further called on the Education partners to continue supporting both girls and boy’s education to eradicate illiteracy in the State.
He said State Ministry of General Education had managed to recruit more qualified teachers of various skills to deliver quality education in government schools.
He added that government had also prioritized to improve education system through recruitment of qualified teaching staff, building of schools, and provision of necessary teaching materials in the State.
Governor Tong Akeen encouraged citizens to embark on agriculture to fight food gap. He acknowledged that the importation of food items from Sudan every year is not the best option to fight hunger.
He said since climate change vary yearly resulting to droughts and floods and other environmental issues continue to affect agricultural production in the Country.
He however urged the public to maintain environmental protection, saying it is their collective role and should be prioritize to fight desertification to regularize rainfall system.
However, Governor Tong has announced the banning of random cutting down of trees, all toxic alcohols such as Star gin, London No.1 and other unhealthy alcohol.
He directed the local authorities to stop issuing approval letters for individuals’ party in the State.