
Lobong vows to arrest killers

Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore while delivering his condemnation message to the Media in his office (Photo: supplied)

By Ijoo Bosco

The Governor of Eastern Equatoria State Louis Lobong Lojore yesterday condemned the recent deadly and barbaric acts of killings in Nimule town and Mugali areas, and promised to arrest the assassins.

The governor has called on the National Government to urgently intervene in settling the causes of the recurring attacks in Eastern Equatoria State that is leading to loss of lives and cattle raiding.

The State government forces were reportedly deployed in Nimule town to quell the heightened tension at the border town on Monday after angry protesters blocked the highway at Malakia Center in Nimule following the beheading of two people and killing of an area chief in Nimule.

“I call on the people of Eastern Equatoria State to exercise maximum restraint and to continuously look forward to building a peaceful, united South Sudan free from conflicts and tribal animosity,” Lobong appealed to the locals.

“Security forces are doing everything possible to arrest the criminal suspect,” Lobong added.

He called on Madi people to remain in their areas, while urging those in the refugee camps to come back and rebuild their lives in the country.

“There are people who have intention for your land. The government and the people of Eastern Equatoria will never accept the persistent provocations imposed on us by peace spoilers,” the governor told mourners.

“We know that, these provocations are aimed at diverting our goal-oriented attention of transforming our State into becoming a peace hub and investment destination in the Republic of South Sudan,” he said.

However, Governor Lobong stressed that they will remain committed to walking in the path of peace and nation building.

He called on the national government to urgently intervene to avoid the almost daily loss of lives in Nimule corridor.

He said there has been disruption of movement of people and goods into the country by making sure that all the Dinka Bor cattle keepers leave Nimule and other areas within Magwi County.

The governor said those who wish to stay in Nimule and other parts of Eastern Equatoria, are allowed to remain on conditions that, they become law abiding and citizens of Eastern Equatoria State.

He said, there should be no parallel administration where the IDPs from Jonglei are having chiefs in Nimule, and conducting court cases out of the already established local government structures in the area.

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