
Youths stay warned over attacks on social media

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By Ephraim Modi D.S

Youths of Eastern Equatoria State on Saturday issued a report convicting a report aired by the Chairperson of the people of Bor Dr. Angok Gordon Kuol for attacking Governor Louis Lobong Lojore in several instances on social media.

The Youths also condemned series of atrocities carried out by the Bor Community in the area and warned the Bor Youth Association in Juba for their unprofessional and unethical letter released on 14 July against the governor and the government of Eastern Equatoria State.

Few months ago, some groups of cattle keepers reportedly trespassed into the Ugandan border that resulted to killing of four people and abduction of one person in Mugali that they are still in hunt of.

“It’s clearly and evidently known that the Dinka Bor cattle herders who moved inside Ugandan border with Mugali are responsible for the killings of two and abduction of one person in Mugali Payam where we are still in search for the abducted one,” they stated in their statement.

They said that the governor of Eastern Equatoria State displayed more efforts to cease the insecurity situation in the area but things seems to go its negative ways.

“Despite the effort exerted by our peace-loving governor Hon. Louis Lobong Lojore to contain the situation in the state, the Dinka Bor Community stubbornly continue to provoke and killing of innocent community in Mugali and Nimule,” they wrote.

The Youths also reminded Bor Community that the Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan does not grant forceful and illegal occupation of a territory in the country.

Moreover, they added that there are South Sudanese from Jonglei State living in the area who have never caused any havoc, destruction and lawless activities.

They also reiterated and assured that they do not have any parallel administration established in Nimule Payam as claimed by the governor.

Furthermore, they said they are peace loving community with a visionary leader whose ultimate goals are always peace and security in the state and doesn’t deserve any apology neither insults from notorious and lawless Bor community Youth leaders in Juba.

The Youths also said that they are holding accountable the lawless, irrespective and distractive Dinka Bor cattle herders for killings, abductions and rapes carried out in the area and demands an apology from the Bor Community Youth Association within 72 hours against the governor of Eastern Equatoria.

The Chairperson Bor Community Dr. Angok Gordon Kuol in his statement issued on 14 July stated that they do not have any cattle camps in Magwi County at the moment which is unfortunate for them to continue receiving baseless accusations levelled against them by the governor of Eastern Equatoria State.

They questioned that the governor must produce evidence indicating that three people of Madi Community in Nimule Payam were murdered by Bor Dinka cattle keepers.

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