
Unknown gunmen kill two in Bor town

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

Two people were reportedly killed by unknown gunmen on Tuesday in Bor town of Jonglei State.

While one victim is currently under Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at UNMISS facility. The three persons were attacked at night in their residential area.

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, Mr. Bol Chau, the medical director at Bor Teaching Hospital said the condition of the patient at the ICU was still uncertain since the patient had been referred to UNMISS facility for treatment.

“One woman who was stabbed on the neck was brought to us while the other passed on the way; the head was shot, except the one that was brought in critical condition. We couldn’t do anything because of his condition so we referred him to the UNMISS facility for medication, and he is currently in the ICU,” he reported.

Mr. Chau added that the case was difficult for them; therefore they then referred the patient to the UNMISS hospital.

However, some agencies reported that the State police Commissioner Major Gen. Elia Costa said armed assailants raged the compound of Humanitarian organization and despondently shot at the compound in Pakwau Residential Area.

As a result, Bengo Adriano, 30 got shot in the head and died on spot.

His wife Mary also passed away due to gunshot wounds on Wednesday morning.

“Yesterday, at 7:30 we received a report that there were unknown criminals who attacked a house of some boys in Pakawu Residential Area. These unknown gunmen shot three people in their house in Bor here,” Costa revealed.

The survivor of the attack, Isaac Malish, is reportedly in coma, and fighting for his life at the UNMISS facility in Bor town.

“The other one got injured and was rushed to the hospital. He is still alive after they made operation for him at the UNMISS facility,” Costa added.

The deceased worked as a charcoal business dealer, while his wife was a tea seller.

Isaac, the survivor has also been identified as a trader.

The reason behind the attack was not clear, but General Costa said police were investigating the incident.

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