
Fifteen SSPDF soldiers perish in civilians’ snare

Courtesy photo

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

The South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) convoy that was attacked on Tuesday by alleged armed civilians while on their way to the restive Mayom County resulted to the death of 17 people, comprising of 15 SSPDF servicemen and 2 civilians according to local sources.

The reports that reached No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper indicated that the two civilian casualties were travelling in the SSPDF soldiers’ convoy when they fell into the ambush that took their dear lives.

The Tuesday incident that was confirmed by the Executive Director of Mayom County on Tuesday, happened in a remote village called Bieh Nyang Payam, of Mayom County in Unity State at around 8:00 AM.

Earlier this week, Mayom County Commissioner’s House was attacked by holdout group of the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army under Renegade Commander Stephen Buay Rolnyang.

The renegade SSPA Commander Buay later issued a statement after the incident, cautioning the Oil workers in Unity State to evacuate, warning that the government would not protect them.

However, the Spokesperson of SSPDF Major Gen. Lul Ruai Koang earlier responded that Buay’s claims were empty threats.

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the official who chose to remain anonymous for safety concerns said the armed civilians who attacked the SSPDF convoy belong to Gen. Buay.

“The convoy was ambushed by the rebels loyal to Gen. Buay, the causalities were about 17, and these seventeen among them were 2 civilians while 15 were SSPDF soldiers. These civilians were travelling together with the soldiers to Mayom County” disclosed the anonymous source.

Last week, the house of the Commissioner Gatluak was also attacked and burnt to ashes.

The same attack claimed the life of the commissioner including his body guards and others that were staying in his residence.

However, the SSPDF Spokesperson Maj. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang when contacted by this reporter declined to respond.

“I am waiting for my Boss’ orders, give me one hour,” that was Lul’s earlier reply but when contacted later in the day, he did not respond to the phone calls.

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