
EES: Authorities appeal for assistance amid drought

Desperate community of Lotiyan Payam of Kapoeta East County in need of food assistance

By Ijoo Bosco

Local authorities Lotiyan Payam of Kapoeta East County have called on humanitarian partners and government to intervene and rescue hunger stricken population in area.

The Executive Director of Lotiyan Payam of Kapoeta East County, Aurelio Lorot Anjeo appealed to humanitarian organizations that there is need for them to do assessment in the most affected area which he said people have spent two months without rain and their farmed are dried up.

He expressed fears of looming hunger and starvation in the area because the drought that had scorched farmlands due to no rainfalls.

“There is a lot of hunger in the area as executive Director of Lotiyan and Mogos many farm are destroyed by drought I am informing Humanitarian and government to come and assess the area” Lorot said.

“This year is very bad if the government could not rescue people, many people may migrate out of the village and look for green pasture, the issue of the sun is a big problem that I should report head or early to the government and humanitarian agency to now about this” he stressed.

The local official pointed out that the most affected areas in kapoeta East County are Lotiyan, Mogos, Lochoa, Morurengan, Napustiria, Jie, Katonguni.

Mr. Lorot reiterated that if the government failed to salvage the situation on the ground most of the locals may migrate out from their villages.

He added that not only the drought but also diseases are facing many people that need government’s attention.

Meanwhile acting Director at the State Ministry of Agriculture Jino Odu Mark described the situation as natural calamities affecting all the apart of Eastern Equatoria.

“This is a general situation I think because there is no rain that is very difficult because the government if even now our government rely on NGOs support, this are things which need to been raised to higher level to address” he stated.

“Yeah these are things which are everywhere and am sure they are even aware of the situation everywhere is drying up all the crops are drying up even near our office here”.he added.

The State Agricultural Ministry official however said the County government will have to coordinate to higher level to find out rescue.

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