
CTSAMVM urges SSPDF to vacate SPLA-IO cantonment sites

Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero Amad, Chairperson of CTSAMVM addressing a CTSAMVM Board Meeting in Juba Photo Credit: Margret Lole/CTSAMVM

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) the body tasked to monitor ceasefire violations yesterday appealed to the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) to withdraw from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) cantonment sides.

The cantonment sites in question are; Mir-Mir, Liang and Jekou of Unity and Upper Nile States respectively.

“CTSAMVM remains concern about the continual occupation of Mir-Mir, Liang and Jekou cantonment sites in Unity and Upper Nile States respectively by SSPDF and/or affiliates. These cantonments sites were designated for SPLM/A-IO and therefore CTSAMVM is appealing to SSPDF to withdraw and allow SPLM/A-IO to re-occupy the areas” he added.

Meanwhile the Chairperson of the peace body, Lt Gen. Asrat Denero Amad speaking during CTSAMVM board meeting, yesterday (Thursday) revealed that the two parties under the umbrella of SSOMA will be joining the peace body by August after a successful workshop that was conducted in Rome by the Community of Saint’ Egidio.

“The National monitors of the two Parties under the umbrella of SSOMA will be joining CTSAMVM on 15th August 2022, in this regards CYSAMVM has been in contact with the community of Saint’Egidio asking them to engage the Leadership of NAS to re-join the Rome peace process” Denero stated.

However, he informed the board that the government of United States had withdrawn from supporting the peace body and this will likely affect quick investigation and reporting but added that despite these, the body will continue to do its mandate as signed.

“I want to take this opportunity to inform our members that, the Government of United States of America which has been providing in kind support demobilizes and withdraw its logistical and personal support to CTSAMVM effective 4th July 2022” he said.

“The withdrawal of US government happened at a very critical stage when the mechanism wanted it so much” Gen. Denero asserted.

“The lack of Aviation support has affected CTSAMVM operation and will result in delayed investigations and reporting, I want to assure this board meeting that CTSAMVM will continue to fulfill it mandates,” he stressed.

The CTSAMVM chair also noted that the tension between the peace parties in Unity State and Upper Nile of recent have sub-sided to some extent.

“I want to report that, the tension between the parties in Unity and Upper Nile States sub-sided to some extent, however, we remain very concerned about the recent report of tension between parties in Unity States that severely strain the peace process,” he lamented.

He asked the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGONU) authorities to address the tension in Northern Jonglei.

“CTSAMVM is also concerned with the current tension in Northern Jonglei State due to suspicious movement and activities of the SSPDF aligned Kit-Gwang element (SPLA/IO defectors),” he reiterated.

He stressed that these activities of illegal check points, arrests and over taxation along the Nile in Upper Nile State is likely to provoke hostilities from the other Parties signatory armed forces and undermine the peace process.

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