
Over 800 youth acquire skills in Yambio

Photos of the students who graduated

By Alex Digi

The Government of Western Equatoria State, Yambio on Tuesday last week graduated over 800 Youth at Yambio Multi-purpose Vocational Training Center in different fields under the theme Youth Empowerment and employment Project funded by the Government of the Netherlands and implemented a partner Star Trust Organization.

The project was started last year 2021 in four counties including Yambio, Nzara, Ezo and Tambura and the aim of this project was to empower the young ones who have no access for job creation which will support them with their families.

Speaking during the event the Cabinet Minister in Western Equatoria State John Bariyona highly thanked the UNDP and the Government of the Netherlands for the great support to the community in the state saying this will continue to help the youth to create jobs for them than staying idle.

John called on the youth who graduated to implement what they have so far learned in their various places wherever they may go and operate their businesses. He further urged them to make proper use of the materials given to them.

“What I need from you the graduetes is please go and implement what you have learned here,” he said.

He also urged the Youth who have received the training to go and train others by doing that they will be better people in future, adding that there are three common enemies in South Sudan includes Poverty, hunger, and illiteracy saying if they fight this enemies they country will develop very fast.

However the State minister of General Education and instructions in Western Equatoria State Grace Apollo said the ministry of education will continue to empower the Youth in WES by providing Jobs to them saying they have acquired knowledge now and they have the certificates that need them to make proper use of the document wherever they go.

Grace urged the Graduates to go and form groups and start their small businesses which will help them when any donors come they can get supported in their business. She also said time has come for them to do something by themselves to sustain their life.

Meanwhile the Executive Director for Star Trust Organization Mr. Stephen Tungun said the idea is provision of skills to youth for both vocational and market vulnerable agriculture to develop their livelihood and also gets skills and jobs and start their businesses.

Mr. Tungun also appreciated the State Government and the national level for maintaining better security in the country which have made them to complete the program successfully. He urged the beneficiaries to utilize the knowledge they have acquired well for their better future.         

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