
Gunmen kill three in Nimule highway attack

By Adia Jildo

Three people have been reportedly shot dead by unknown gunmen along Juba-Nimule Highway between Oboma and Omoya village Tuesday afternoon, the national Police Spokesperson Maj. Gen. Daniel Justin Boula told reporters yesterday.

The police said a Bongo bus which was headed for Juba from Nimule with 45 passengers on board, fell into an ambush of armed men leaving its driver, conductor and one passenger dead and the rest managed to flee for safety in disarray.

“It was around 12:00 PM between Oboma and Omoya village, Nimule-Juba Highway. One of the Bongo buses fell into an ambush. We lost three people, the driver, the co-driver and one passenger,” the police spokesperson told reporters in Juba during a press briefing yesterday.

“The attackers just opened fire on the bus and they ran away. Our forces went there and rescued the situation. Big trucks are moving now using the road normally,” he lamented.

The police spokesperson however said none of the attackers have been captured but security personnel are hunting for them in the bush.

He called on the drivers to always travel under the watch of security convoy to protect them from attacks citing that spies of the attackers might be the ones giving information about the travelers within.

 “I need them (drivers) to cooperate with us because at the end of the day we are working for their safety,” he requested.

According to Maj. Gen. Daniel Justin, investigation is still ongoing by security personnel on the ground, who are tracing the footsteps of the attackers.

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