News, Politics

Gov’t ready to dialogue with armed groups

Tut Gatluak Manime, presidential advisor on Security Affairs–Photo Bida Elly

By Bida Elly David

The chairperson of the National Transitional Committee (NTC) on Wednesday called on the holdout armed groups fighting against the government to seek for peaceful dialogue to pave way for successful amity and graduation of the unified forces.

The Presidential Security Advisor and the NTC chairperson Tut Gatluak Manime made the appeal on Wednesday while responding to questions raised by the press on the phases that government had set to address the latest attacks that transpired in Mayom County of Unity State leading to blood downpour of many and how the resolution driven would pave way for the graduation of the forces.

In the recent past, the Commissioner of Mayom County in Unity State faced the last moment of his life in a heinous scene that left him dead along several others after an attack that was carried by a new armed opposition movement leaving more than 90 souls departed.

The incident planted fear and threats to most of the citizens living in the area who ought to invest much of their efforts to earn a living.

President Kiir’s Security Advisor appealed to all groups waging guns against the government to claim their rights through a peaceful dialogue to give chance for the graduation of the forces to materialize.

He said the only way government would bring total peace to the people is when all the oppositions against them showed readiness for talks on the table such that all grouses are resolved amicably.

“We are calling upon all those carrying arms against the government within the country or outside the country to join the peace process through dialogue as one of the best options to bring political harmony. We as a government are ready to welcome any one fighting government for a dialogue since we are in a critical moment of working for peace” Tut underscored.

However, he noted that the graduation date for the forces has been figured, other pending disputes that would contradict the process demand quick rectification through talks and reconciliation.

“We are open and ready for everybody through dialogue. The President is calling on everyone carrying guns against the government to have a productive dialogue to end the suffering of the people of South Sudan. We are tired of war and we need not to use it as a tool to harm ourselves and create division” he emphasized.

Tut said they were working towards organizing the forces to report to their various respective training centers in preparation for medical examination and other forms of arrangement to determine their readiness for graduation.

He finally reiterated that despite several procrastinations for the graduation of the unified forces through many schedules of timetable, they were able to reach into consensus with the help of the roadmap. 

On his part, Martin Elia Lomuro, the Minister of Cabinet Affairs told the press  that government would fund the implementation of the roadmap if the partners could not turn up to assist. He also urged those interested to extend their support for the execution of the roadmap not to give up but aid them to achieve their mandate.

He added that South Sudan was a sovereign country that would stand on its own if it comes to issues concerning their affairs.

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