
Commissioner calls for peace and harmony in Yei

Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa, the Commissioner of Yei River County (Photo: James Innocent)

By James Innocent

The Commissioner of Yei River County of Central Equatoria State, Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa has called for peace and harmony among the people of Yei after his return from Khartoum Sudan where he had been to for medical check.

The Commissioner earlier spent a couple of months in the Sudanese capital Khartoum where he had a spinal cord surgery and he’s been recovering from the medical operation carried on him.

Upon his return home from checkup visit to his doctor in Khartoum, Commissioner, Cyrus appealed for peace and harmony from the people of Yei.

“I am asking the people of Yei River County, Juba, diaspora, and refugee camps to seek for the heart of peace and harmony and I am also seeking that we abundant the heart of hatred, bitterness and destruction among ourselves and we need to rebuild ourselves in working towards building the next generations that we produce so that they do not inherit the heart of destruction and bitterness rather they should inherit the heart of peace, love and compassion,” he said.

Cyrus conveyed his condolence to the slain SSPDF officer late Lt. Col. Yuma Sebastian who passed away in a very mysterious circumstance at a military detention in Yei army barrack.

The Commissioner appealed to the people of Yei not to create difficulties and renew life without living in conflict saying they should reconcile and forgive each other without living in bitterness.

 “We should not create difficulties to the souls rather we need to reconcile and adjust our selves than creating difficulties in our lives so I wish our brother late Lt. Col. Yuma Sebastian who has died to rest in peace and those who wronged should seek for forgiveness because we don’t need to stay in conflicts we need to live in peace” Aggrey said.

“We need to give ourselves patience because justice is a procedure and process and I call for calm from people to avoid pointing figures on each other by not confusing difficulties in our lives, so that people live in peace and we should not also confuse the souls of people who died so that they rest in peace and we need to respect ourselves”.

He stated that their deaths are not defined. “we should not take it as an opportunity to create another situation since justice is a long story to accomplish”.

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