By William Madouk Garang
The Government through the national Ministry of Labor launched a three year Employers Association of South Sudan strategy plan 2022-2025, to strengthen the number of inspectors and enhancing training, and to promote the objectives of straight work and well-regulated labor market in the country.
James Hoth Mai, the Minster of Labor said his Ministry has called on Employers Association of South Sudan to focus on strategic plan to be first priority aspect for the implementation of this strategic plan for effective business voice on labor and social issues in South Sudan.
“The Ministry of Labor will support their commitment wherever necessary as Minister of Labor because there is hope the confederation of IGAD Employers and Employers Association of South Sudan as well as entire business community will enjoy peace economically as a result of September 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement as well as the current formed Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity.”
Meanwhile, Bol Andrew Wieu, president of the Confederation of IGAD Employers said the confederation of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Employers (CIE) was established on 11 December 2019 in the region that has estimated population of 286 million in 2020 and projected to increase to 523 millions in 2050.
The Employers’ organizations from Djibouti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda signed the by-laws in the presence of the Horn of Africa Confederation of Trade Unions (HACTU).
“The confederation has great vision although there were many plans to be executed in the previous four years due to Covid-19 pandemic; most tasks could not be performed. The board members of the confederation have been conducting their meetings via platform to keep communication and return activities.”
He added that the confederation of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Employers and the Horn of Africa Confederation of Trade Unions (HACTU) on July 9 2021 inked memorandum of Understanding to build cooperation between the workers of the region as well as employers.
Earlier, seven regional countries elected South Sudan to led the confederation of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Head of employers Association for one-year period.