
Education Ministry in Unity state avails motorcycles to officials

The Motorcycles purchased by the State Ministry of General Education and Instructions in Unity State (Photo: Yien Gattuor Mead)

By Yien Gattuor mead 

The Ministry of General Education and Instructions in Unity State has purchased and distributed motorcycles to education officials to ease their mobility while carrying out their official duties.

Speaking during the handover of the motorcycles in the State capital Bentiu, the State Minister of General Education and Instructions Stephen Tot Chieng said the Motorcycles will be assigned to education officials in seven counties of the State.

Meanwhile the Minister Tot said a vehicle which they had received shall be used to transport the staff of the headquarters to field locations.

“Much of the support was from the state Governor Dr. Joseph Monytuil and we appreciate him for considering education as key institution to deliver basic services to the people,” he stated.

The State Education Minister Mr. Stephen Tot said their concern as Ministry of Education in the state is to empower the education sector. “We will transform the education sector within the State here,” he said. 

Eight motorcycles were purchased by the Unity State Ministry of General Education and Instructions in Bentiu to ease movement of education officials in the seven counties across the State.

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