
Deputy Governor WES briefs Kiir on security situation

(Left) WES Deputy Governor Dr Gaaniko Kennedy Baime meets President Salva Kiir Mayardit (Photo; Office of the President)

By Matia Samuel Timatio

The deputy Governor of Western Equatoria State who is also the SPLM interim chairman in the state said they met President Salva Kiir Mayardit to seek his support to prepare the ground for the upcoming election 2024.

Dr. Gaaniko Kennedy told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper that they met with the President as a team including State government ministers to seek his (Kiir) political support in order to reach the grassroots with the message of peace, unity, reconciliation and forgiveness.

He stated that most importantly, they also briefed the President about the situation of bad roads, issues of network disconnections in some areas of the State and congratulated him for graduating the first batch of the unified forces.

The Western Equatoria State’s deputy government noted that the President assured them of his support to pay the remaining money to the construction company so that the works of Juba-Mundri-Yambio road construction can commence as soon as possible.

He added that the President sent them back with the message of peace and to unite the people of Western Equatoria State.

Dr. Gaaniko pointed out of the many challenges facing the State was poor roads infrastructure which makes movement of people and goods very difficult to the State since it’s also rainy season.

“The President has really assured us that he is going to instruct the Minister of Finance to pay the companies that have been given the contract to construct the highway from Juba to Rumbek but let our people be patient and wait for the promise of the President,” he stated.

Dr. Gaaniko however said he can’t assure the public now on the safety of the roads to the state because there is still the movement of NAS rebel forces in some parts of the State.

“I can’t assure them now because of two or three reasons. First, the presence of NAS, second, the presence of the SPLM-IO forces in greater Mundri, we are saying we are one government but what they are doing in greater Mundri is not good,” the deputy governor noted.

“They are the ones causing insecurity in greater Mundri East, all the time you can hear the voice of the commissioner of Mundri East. We are calling upon the IO forces to bring peace and stability in Western Equatoria State. They are in Mundri, they are in Zomio and they are in Ri-Randu,” Ganiko added.

“We are going to develop a strategy by arranging for escort, the security patrol that can follow the buses not to go as individual vehicles because they are targeting the traders all the time,” he said.

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