
Employment is a nightmare for youth in Yei

Johnson Poru Hillary, Youth chairperson in Yei River County (Photo: James Innocent)

By James Innocent

The Youth chairperson in Yei River County Johnson Poru Hillary said unemployment has become a big blow to the young people looking into the current context, citing few employment sectors for the youth in the current job market.

“Unemployment has become a big blow to the young people looking into the current context, when you take a look at the jobs market, there are few employment sectors like the private sector, we have limited job opportunities and in the government sector we also have few employment opportunities where the youth could engage themselves on agriculture and other sectors has become a big blow to the nation,” he said.

Hillary stated that the price fluctuation in the market has made the small-scale businesses of young people to collapse.

“The fluctuation in the market prices has affected youth especially those who had small shops or enterprises they have collapsed totally and drastically. But with this I just want to encourage the youth to desist from drug abuse because drugs cannot change us and create employment for us to develop but rather we should engage on productive and health living in the society,” he advised the youth.

“We should be able to initiate some small businesses in town with the small amount that we have at hand so that we can change our lives in our communities not that you think of getting a big amount of money for starting the businesses,” he added. 

Hillary however urged the government to protect the businesses of the young people especially the local government so that young people strive in business enterprises to be self-reliant.

“I also wants to urge the government to protect the business of the young people so that the young people can get interested in doing some other businesses, for example as young people if we don’t have interest in doing other small business some people from somewhere will just have this as an opportunity for employment and in few years to come we shall be the ones to get frustrated,” he urged.

One youth known as Mawude Samuel living in Yei stated that the major challenge making youth redundant is the issue of insecurity despite their education level.

“The main challenge facing the young people during this time is the issue of insecurity because getting out to do other business is a big problem to them which is the main cause of drug abuse especially chewing Mira, smoking marijuana and taking alcohol,” he underlined.

He added that if a young person applies for any Job you find that there is tribalism in the offices making job hunting difficult for the youths.

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