
Suspension of Jonglei State MP lifted

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

The suspension of Anter Bayak Kuol, a lawmaker representing Duk Constituency in Jonglei State Transitional Legislative Assembly has been lifted yesterday by the Speaker of Parliament.

This is the second time Bayak was suspended from his duties, the first time was when he was stopped from his duties by the Governor followed by the recent suspension by the Speaker.

The reason as to why Governor of Jonglei State suspended him and the colleague was not disclosed, however the suspension by the Speaker is based on the ground that Bayak attacked her (the Speaker).

However in a letter seen by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the Speaker of the State assembly lifted Bayak’s suspension after he had reportedly tendered an apology to the speaker.

“In an exercise of powers conferred upon me by the conduct of Business of Jonglei State of Transitional Legislative Assembly regulation and after the written apology letter written by Anter Bayag Kuol on his suspension order no 08/2022,”

“I Rt. Hon. Amer Ateny Alier do hereby lift your suspension and resume your constitutional duties as usual, with effect from date 6th October 2022,” the Speaker stated in her order lifting the suspension.

Anter however argued that his earlier suspension was unjustified, citing that he is resuming his duties because of the love he has for his people.

“I had called the Speaker at around 9pm because I was having some issues with the security, so I had to call her to confirm if she was aware about the new arrangement that was made, however she later suspended me saying I had attacked her,” Bayak claimed.

He alleged that his suspension was based on the ground that he had called speaker at late hours which weren’t official time, “so I then wrote to her an apology letter,” he asserted.

“I decided to come back to continue with my activities because of my love for my people,” he told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper via phone yesterday.

Anter also assured public that his suspension will not change him, citing that he will continue to remain vocal.

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