By Bida Elly David
The vice chancellor of the University of Juba has slammed critics among students and citizens against the recent order made regarding the rise of tuition fees saying that the increment came as a result of currency depreciation and yearly inflation of commodity prices.
This statement came following numerous criticisms made against the vice chancellor of the University of Juba and the academic senators for adding more one hundred united States dollar (100$) on what was being paid by the students.
Students’ leaders and some citizens across the Country recently blamed the administration of the institution for the untimely rise of the fees amid the current economic recession and crisis that most families face while fighting to put loaves of bread on table.
They stated that most students normally drop out from learning due to high cost of tuition fees that dictated their powers to access education.
In a statement seen by No.1Citizen Daily Newspaper on his Facebook page yesterday, John Akec said that the recent increase of the fees came as a result of the continuous depreciation of the local currency accompanied by some economic factors that hindered the progress of the University due to lack of financial resources.
He criticized those against the order saying that many students spent thousand dollars on foreign scholarships and refused to fund their national institutions rather raising complaints amid the little increment for developing the institution to a better level.
“The tuition fees adjustment is caused by depreciation and price inflation year on year. In our planned fundraising, every 3,000$ raised will reduce the contribution of each student by 10 percent across the board. Two steps would imply two hundred United States Dollars (200$) that was why we started with One hundred United States Dollars ($100) to count one step,” he said.
Prof. Akec added that citizens should understand the significance of developing an institution to a better learning environment.
He said that the positive shape of a university is the only variable that attracts students to develop learning interest sweeping off to thoughts for external learning.
The University of Juba VC further called on citizens and encouraged them to promote the high institutions of learning in order to create a positive learning environment for all as well as boost the shape of the institutions to international standards.