
Foreign teacher convicted to five years imprisonment

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

Foreign Teacher of Mercy International School in Juba, Emily Karibu who was in March accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old school child was found guilty yesterday and sentenced to five years imprisonment by the Juvenile Court in Juba.

The teacher was convicted under section 243 of the South Sudan Penal Court Act 2008 read together with section 22 of the child act 2008

Addressing the Media after the ruling, Head persecutor Deng John Deng read out the final ruling of the court. “Today {Wednesday} session was set for final verdict for case of Ayak, after the procedures of presenting the persecution document approving that the teacher Emily Karibu who is the accused in the case had committed a crime under section 243 of the South Sudan Penal court act 2008 read together with section 22 of the child act 2008 and after,” he stated.

The presiding judge noted that the court proceeding went smoothly, saying the accused was represented by team of four defense lawyers headed by advocate Reech Ring Bol.

He said after series of hearings the court set yesterday (Wednesday) session for the final verdict.

“After the proceeding and submission, the court found out that Emily Karibu was guilty of “cruelty to children” a crime under section 243 of the Southern Sudan penal court act 2008 and she was sentenced to five years imprisonment of starting today (Wednesday)” the judge announced.

He then added that the defense group has the right to appeal if they are not satisfied with the judgment.

“They have right to appeal in the court of appeal to challenge the judgment of the high court” he noted.

In the previous session the defendant lawyer, Reech Ring Bol had argued that there was no concrete evidence against his client the accused Emily, adding that the whole narrative was a “hearsays”.

Meanwhile, the family lawyer of the complainant, had earlier stated that after the child was examined, the mother reported the matter to school, however they denied the allegation.

The family had then returned and sued the suspected teacher on the incident which was reportedly perpetrated in March 2022.

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