By Bida Elly David
Ministry of General Education and Instructions has mandated South Sudan national examination council to start registration of candidates for the Certificate of primary education examination (C.P.E) through school and post school examinations to determine qualification for candidature.
Speaking during a media briefing yesterday, Simon Nyok Deng, the secretary general for the national examination council said, instructions for the registration of the candidates shall be based on the Certificate of primary Education syllabuses guided by set of rules to be brainstormed.
He stated that registration of candidates for the Certificate of primary education examinations (C.P.E) commenced on the 17th –October-2022 and conclude on 17th –November 2022 respectively.
He underscored that the Ministry has mandated them to charge five thousand South Sudanese Pounds (5,000 SSP) per each student in public schools and Seven thousand South Sudanese pounds (7,000 SSP) for private schools and a successful candidate shall be required to pay additional four thousand South Sudanese pounds(4000 SSP) for the certificate.
The National Examination Council Secretary General further specified that all Centers for the Certificate of primary education must at least register a minimum of twenty five students (25) candidates with the exception of special schools and prisons.
“Centers with less than 25 candidates will not be recognized as examination centers and should register their candidates in another approved examination center nearby” said Simon.
“All schools will be clustered during examinations sitting as it will be permitted by centers assessment teams that will be sent to the States/Areas by the national examinations Council. Decisions of the assessment teams will be final,’’ he said.
He further reiterated that schools offering candidates for 2022-2023 were mandated to correctly submit accurate names that match with that in the birth certificate or assessment of age and directed state or area director generals, County education directors, parents, candidates and stakeholders to abide by the deadline.
However, he underlined that under no circumstance should any absent candidate be replaced thus any replacement would be considered as an act of impersonation and punishable by the law.
“The name of the candidate used for the C.P.E registration shall be a replica of the official name of the candidate as it appears in the birth certificate”.
“The name used during the C.P.E registration will prevail during the printing of the certificate. The same name will also be used during registration for the Certificate of Secondary examination” he added.