
Prof. Akec fires Egypt against Naam river dredging

By Bida Elly David

The vice chancellor of the University of Juba has applauded citizens of South Sudan for the unity amid rejecting any initiative that doesn’t serve the interest of the nation especially the contract of Egypt to dredge Naam River.

This development arose following concerns raised by the citizens of South Sudan on the illegal initiative taken by the government of South Sudan contracting Egypt to undertake dredging project in the Country.

Formerly, citizens across the Country raised their concerns that the initiation of the dredging project was carried out of the blue without them being notified.

This initiative had brought a lot of debate as the leadership of the Country was divided over the motion.

One of the major concerns from the citizens was fear of the unknown as the dredging project could generate further flooding since the project never involved proper scientific research and examination.

The nationals were not contented with the idea till government had to stop the project and the motion until further deliberations and studies are done to determine the interest of the citizens.

In a statement seen on his Facebook yesterday, Prof. John Akec, the vice chancellor of the University of Juba reiterated words of cheers to South Sudanese for their positive stand for the Country saying that there would be no room for side wars.

Prof. Akec called on the citizens to leave their differences aside and work towards promoting the nation to the next level saying that through division the Country would break apart but only unity would bind people together.

“Success has many fathers and mothers. Together and in our own ways, we managed to tie the hands of the Egyptian beast, stopped dredging in the Sudd and revival of Jonglei Canal Project.”

“There is no room for side wars. We still need our collective efforts because tied is not the same as dead? Divided we fall and United we stand,” he stressed.

The University of Juba VC acknowledged that the unity of the citizens against any initiative was a clear indication of moving the Country in a right position that would create a sustainable environment of democratic justice that would be based on factual consultation.

According to Prof. Akec, execution of any project deserved to undergo critical examination and studies to determine the negative and the positive impacts of any activity.

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