
Ministry of Public Service secures money for retirement

By Akol Madut Ngong

The national Ministry of Public Service and Human Resource Development has secured enough money for retirement.

The ministry’s Undersecretary Dr. Julia Keer Duang revealed this at the weekend during the closing ceremony of a two day workshop on financial management reform as stipulated in the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

“We are now taking the names of the people who passed on and we are sending their names and files to the pension department so that their money can be paid to their relatives,” Dr. Julia said.

The retirement is also being organized, the elderly people who are still in the civil service can retire and they can be able to receive their money, these things are all in the pipeline, when we remove the names then we will be having a space to bring in young people who are graduating every year from the universities and they can get the jobs,” Dr. Julia stated.

“We have enough money for our people to be paid those who can go for retirement, we are working on that, we have been securing our retirement money from the ministry of finance,” Dr. Julia added.

 “We need to begin an exit, if something is full, where do you put them? And this is what is happening with us, we are now working on two things, the dead people to be removed, the retirement to be put in place, and there will be space, people in middle will be pushed up and there will be a lot of space for young people to come in,” Dr. Julia further stressed.

“I hope very soon, we will streamline everybody in the civil service when we will know their names, we will know where they are and they will be able to get their money on time and a better salary also, if we find double names, and we discover them, automatically we delete them from the machine immediately” Julia said.

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