By Adia Jildo
A local court in Juba has on Friday called on South Supreme Airline to unveil its last witness on the case of a plane crush that occurred in Uror of Jonglei state on the 2nd March 2021.
The plane that crashed left 8 people dead after it had taken off shortly from the airfield. The families of the victims called for compensation for the loss of their loved ones from the aviation company.
The representative and defense lawyers of the victims of the plane crush said the authority of the aviation failed to deliver their witness after they had claimed they would 2 months ago.
“They continuously absented themselves from the sessions that were set for the hearing. They knew that today was the last session. They received the summons, they signed the summons,” the defense lawyer said.
Monyluak Alor Kuol said that the case has taken long hence denying justice to the families of the victims.
“The victims, and the families of the victims have been denied justice for so long but we hope they will get it. We are just approaching the end process,” he noted.
He said failure to unveil the witness for the last time will only make the court take its course by closing the file and scheduling for their final decision.
The representative of the families of the deceased John Kiel said they are disappointed by the act of the airline authorities as they have been absenting themselves from the court hearing despite their presence in Juba.
“As the families of the deceased, we keep on coming here to listen from the witness of the company but they keep adjourning the hearing or at times they do not show up yet they are based in Juba and it is not a foreign company,” he complained.
John said they are keen and patient enough to listen from the witness and the final verdict of the court on the case.
“What has happened has already happened and it can happen anywhere in the world. To the family of the deceased, we should be patient enough to hear the decision of the court on this issue,” he consoled.
Two months ago, the CEO of the South Supreme Airline company stood before the court claiming they had a witness from the Civil Aviation Authority to confess before the court on the incident. But since then the said witness hasn’t shown up in the court.
The court has now been scheduled for the 4th of November 2022 for the last hearing on the case.