Business, National, News

Chamber injects SSP45 million for company awards

By Bida Elly David

South Sudan chamber of commerce has injected Forty-five million (45M) South Sudanese Pounds for inter-company awards set to kick off on the 9th –December-2022 as well as launched its on-line website meant to disseminate its business activities to the World.

The National chamber of commerce is an institution that serves the purpose of improving the local business environment and strengthening communities through advocacy, networking and campaign. They also create an easy line of communication for business owners to connect with governing bodies in the Country.

The institution has been networking with most foreign and domestic companies in creating sustainable business environment for all of them.

They have been playing greater roles of connecting businesses with the government in related areas of tariff collection as well as their management.

The event was attended by number of partnering companies such as the Rak Media, Nice Water Company, Nilepet among others that are subject in sponsoring the upcoming awards.

Speaking during the event, Losidik Lukak Legge, the acting chairperson of the national chamber of commerce said that the inter-company competition was organized to create close intimacy between the institutions and the operating companies across the Country.

“I would like to appreciate the companies for having cooperated with the chamber of commerce in variety of activities. The chamber of commerce is organizing for inter companies 2022 quality award to determine the winners in variety of services,” he said.

He said that the competition would determine which company delivered quality and determined services to the nation as well as show them how their contributions have been utilized.

Mr. Lukak further said that many companies shall be involved in the race including banks and media companies in South Sudan.

“We have called these companies for them to know our seriousness in the arrangement of the competition and to know where the money they contribute go to.”

“We are going to award gifts, company competition thus; we shall determine the company that delivers quality services to South Sudan. We as chamber of commerce have a priority to our companies such that we share issues that day,” he said.

On his part, Eric Kawana a member of the organizing team underscored that there would be an entry form for registration at a non-refundable amount of Six Thousand South Sudanese Pounds to determine interest of the company to compete.

He said that the form shall be found in the latest Website for the National Chamber of commerce for those who shall want to confirm their participation.

Meanwhile, Mr. Koma Joseph, a website designer who aided in developing the latest website for the institution said that the chamber of commerce has already been aided from difficulties of conveying their activities to the public.

He said that the latest Website would help people to access the activities of the chamber of commerce as well as help the institution to promote accurate relationship with the existing companies in the Country.

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